I am Not Currently Teaching Any Courses

I will be happy to share resources (syllabi, slides, readings) and discuss approaches to any of the following course I have developed

Animal Behavior—Lecture and Lab (Upper college level of ~25 students)

Topics in Biology—Lecture and Lab (Lower college level of ~120 students and team taught)

Evolution’s Rainbow—Seminar (Upper college level of ~10 students)

Sexual Selection—Seminar (Upper college level of ~5 students)

Invited Department Speaker Discussion—Seminar (Lower to upper college level of ~10 students)

Introduction to Marine Science—Lecture and Labs (Upper high school level of ~30 students)

Special Topics in Marine Science—Lecture and Projects (Upper high school level of ~20 students)

Teaching Assistant at College Level—Marine Biology; Genes, Ecology, and Evolution; Anatomy and Physiology; Introduction to Biology (Honors)